Rooms & Facilities
- Is laundry service available in the hotel?
- Are bed linens provided?
- Can I bring my pet?
- Can I request for an extra bed in any room type of the hotel?
- Do you allow smoking on property? In the rooms?
- Do you have elevator ?
- Do you have high-speed wired and/or wireless internet access available?
- Do you have onsite parking? How much is parking? Is it included in my room rate?
- Do you have the free keeping luggage service?
- Do you provide breakfast/dinner?
- Do you provide such service as meals in room or anything further?
- Does every room have a kitchen if I want to cook?
- How big are the beds?
- I want to prepare a surprise for my wife/ girlfriend. Can you help me to prepare flower and cake?
- Is it possible to stay with a guide dog or a service dog?
- Is the room have view and bacony ?
- My wife and I have 2 children, so do I need to book the room for 4 people?
- We travel in a big group of families, can we have a connecting room?
- What should I do if I want to change number of people?